May 29, 2013


These are the links I showed you in class from my Canada Project and some new ones. Check these webs for useful vocabulary and reading practice:

TRAVELER TYPE: One of the several classifications you can find, but it's nicely presented in a pdf you can donwload.

CANADA TRAVEL: Fancy learning more about an amazing country? Browse their website. They eliminated their awesome traveler type quiz, but there are other things that may appeal to you...
AN AIRLINE'S BAGAGGE POLICY: A source of words that may come in handy if you ever have this kind of  problem at the airport.
AN RV COMPANY: You wanna learn more about this type of vehicle that lots of people are choosing as the means of transport and accommodation on their vacation? Check out this web.
RENTING A CAR: Some totally useful terms you need to be familiar with if you ever rent a car abroad.

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