Nov 22, 2017


Most of you probably know that tomorrow is a very special day for Americans all around the world. For a few I know it may also be kinda a nightmare since they are expected to show their culinary skills, having none in fact (or for that matter, not even having an oven!!). 

But why all this fret about a turkey? What or who are they giving thanks to?

To cut a long story short, going back in history, the Pilgrims (those adventurous Brits that embarked on a ship of such pretty name, the Mayflower) who landed in American land in 1621, were thankful to the Native Americans for teaching them a bit of agro science. So they invited them round for dinner. And since 1789 it was established that the last Thursday of November Americans would get together and stuff themselves like we do here for...... Christmas? weddings? (originally the feast lasted three whole days - today just a lame meal)

Now, if you want to learn more, go to Wikipedia yourself!!

This video shows current digital panic attacks by citizens in search of recipes and other stuff.

Americans invented the lovely trend of anticipating the Christmas holiday and shopping season by at least one month. This is how Black Friday was born (created by store owners and marketing experts). 

This pic reminds me of something...mmmm...El Corte Inglés on the first day of the sales according to the ever cheerful, biased and  outdated Televisión Española?? But naive shoppers of the world, beware of 10 tricks evil retailers may try to pull on you by checking out this website.

Anyway, good luck with your last-minute shopping and send a shot of that lovely turkey roasting in the ... oven?

What I can show you is the world's first TWURKEY!!

If you have something to share about your Thanksgiving dinner or Black Friday shopping spree, please leave a comment. It will be much appreciated!

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