Jan 8, 2017


I would like you to write your opinion about ONE of the the following pictures which illustrate current social issues in Spain. Please leave a short comment specifying if you are talking about picture A or B. The more the better!





Untrodden retreats said...

I cannot believe what is stated in picture A; there's so much discrimination out of it (racism, inequality, balance...). This is something still unavoidable and, in turns, a disappointment for us (if there is any humanity in it). In this case Spain is being leaded to an extremely wrong and non-sense way...The same can be applied to the picture B; this is Spain guys! Pitty for us and for the most innocent ones.

Encarni said...

I am going to write my opinion about picture B.
According to a study, this sea has lost the 85 per cent of its 13780 hectares of marine meadow in the last two years. The artificial beaches, the ports or the agricultural spillages are some of the reasons. Anyway, I think that people are more and more aware of the problem, but now it is too late.

Unknown said...

In my humble opinion there are people who feel they are being treated by the state worse than immigrants.
In some cases there is a feeling that everybody can arrive to Spain without matter if you have a job or not because in any case you´ll have all types of rights and without any duties. For example, if you come to Spain as an irregular immigrant without job and incomes you´ll have rights such as:
-access to the Public Security Health System for free, for you and all your
-books for free for your children
-school choice priority
-small groups of children that don´t speak Spanish can get a specialist teacher only for them.
In my opinion, this sort of positive discrimination require a lot of resources that are paid for the educational system with taxes that everybody who works, pays. But the real life is really hard and the resources are limited so the system has to withdraw rights for the rest of the children to attend disadvantaged immigrants.
But we are humans so that situation can create an atmosphere that not help people to fight for improving their situation and circumstances because it seems that everybody deserves everything and it´s not necessary to make an effort for all you want or need.
For example, the concept of solidarity is wonderful when somebody can´t afford the payments for their children´s studies or their health care. In that cases people understand easily that they have to give more than they receive because somebody who usually work hard has an especial necessity in a especial moment.
If you look how American people live in EEUU you can understand that the principles are based on that you have to work hard if you want something because nothing is for free. If you want to stay in US for a long time you have to justify that you are producing wealth for the country and the country will give you something in exchange. The rights of everyone that want to live in US go up step by step. So, the more period of time you work the better for your rights. You will improve your health care access from zero to different levels depending on your post in your company. Therefore, every day you have to demonstrate that you´re worth it and you deserve it working hard.
Maybe US is the icon of the extreme capitalism but Spain is the icon of the extreme cheating and tricking.
This situation is generating a sort of pacific rebellion that in some cases can be confused with racism because people complaint about the discriminatory treated they are being giving by the public administrations although they pay religiously their taxes. The middle class usually support the major pressure of taxes but don´t receive adequate public services in exchange. In addition to this I have to say that there are some racism people who take advantage of this situation to reinforce their approach about Immigration in order to keep immigrants away from our borders.
There is a political hypocrisy about that question because if our country wanted to be the ONG of the world it would be Impossible because of the lack of money and resources. It´s a global issue that should be resolve with a global solidarity helping underdeveloped and developing countries to improve life standards of people in order to avoid irregular immigration.

anamates said...

I'm going to write my opinion about the picture B. I think this disaster could have been prevented. 15 years ago,some experts warned that el Mar Menor was getting worse and worse. As far as I'm concerned, the government should have taken measures in order to improve this situation. The main causes of this problem are the discharge of the waste wáter and the accumulation of toxic wastes which are used by farmers. In my opinion, if the government doesn't take steps urgently to protect this sea, its future will be dark.

englishbites said...

Thanks a lot for your comments so far! I encourage the rest of you to express your opinion.Remember to keep it short.

Juan said...

My Opinion is about picture B.
I can't believe it! This is not just a problem of water turbidity, it's a problem of degeneration of an unique ecosystem. According to researchers there are a bunch of causes, and the main cause could be the discharge of water with farm chemicals. Anyway, I still remember when I was a child surrounded by dunes and pristine waters, certainly those were other times

Encarna said...

From Encarna.
It´s a disgrace what is happening in picture B. We were used to think that the Mar Menor will last forever no matter what we do and, of course, we were wrong. All this years we have seen how the environment has been destroyed by the human activities, we haven´t take care about this natural space. We have thrown rubbish, chemical products coming from the agriculture and during the summer time, an overcrowded space. Now we suffer the consecuencies, a nearly to death sea.

Belén said...

I’m going to write my opinion about picture A.
Because of the recession, most people lost their job and their livelihood. The recent recession and housing bubble almost totally affected everyone. Many people are deep in debt.
As a consequence, they can`t afford their mortgage (with the risk of eviction) or worse, they can't pay their utility bills or feed their families.
Regardless of cost, the Spanish government must offset to all families, Spanish or not, for the sake of our standard of living and above all because the government involvement is clear in this extreme crisis.

Unknown said...

The fact is that the Mar Menor, in picture B, is a unique ecosystem in the planet,that has been destroyed by human action. The non-awareness of humans has led to this sea to a point of destruction unfortunately of no return.
The question is if we learn from these mistakes and we are aware to prevent other ecological disasters.The answer seems to be "not".
Pollution is growing all over the planet with devastating consequences and the Mar Menor is just another example of this.

Daniel Furnas said...

Raúl, so concise... XD

mimierdadessangyong said...

My opinion is about picture A.
Immigration and illegal immigration affect Spain due to our geographic position, it's a growing problem and seem insoluble. Therefore, if we think that immigrants consume more in government benedicts than they generate, no one would help anyone.
I don't wish to shame people who believe that the more we give to them, the fewer opportunities we have, since the recession of recent years hasn't collaborated to help the most disavantaged.

Daniel Furnas said...

I'm going to comment picture A.
In my opinion, unfortunately, crisis and hard times that threaten the common wealth expose the darkest side of many people and governments. Selfishness, inconsideration and hate tend to arise when you or your people do not get all you want or need. But I flatly disagree with this attitude. Bad times should encourage all of us to share, understand and take care of each other more than ever, without distinction of nationality, race or social condition.

Virginia said...

Comment about photo B
The lagoon of Mar Menor is in a critical state because of the excess of pollution caused by agricultural and urban waste dumped into the sea. The use of fertilizers used in the fields and the massive proliferation of phytoplankton ( a kind of seaweed) have caused the degeneration of the ecosystem, since it prevents that the rest of plants an animals can survive.
From my point of view, the government of the region could have avoided this catastrophe if it had acted when the first symptoms of contamination appeared, but as in other cases, the measures have been taken when the damage is already irremediable

englishbites said...

Rafi, it's clear you don't like your car at all ;))

Víctor López said...

The economic crisis and the problems of immigration are elements that right-wing political parties use to win voters. With the message that state subsidies must be first for Spaniards, they implicitly convey the message that are the immigrants whom receive this help. This kind of ads/messages are toxic to society because they are not based on data and encourage rejection of immigrants.

Unknown said...

In relation to photo B, I think that many people are hugely concerned about the awful condition of Mar Menor. In fact, they are trying to get to grips with this situation. Of course, it’s a long term issue, but it will quickly increase if it is not confront soon. Unfortunately, if it is not solved, this amazing place will become “a pollute puddle in the coast”.

Unknown said...

A bid farewell for my dear little Lagoon. Your death was the result of a slow agony that began about 50 years ago where the urban speculation, the concentration of marinas, the continuous agricultural discharges and the incompetence and passivity of our government has taken you until your last days. Your death should remind us, that if we continue with activities which destroy our environment, in the nearest future we will not be able to maintain the conditions for our own survival. Humans, who perhaps should be considered as the worst virus that has ever had our planet, are squeezing all our natural resources as if they were unlimited; that’s a pity because when the last tree was cut off, the last river poisoned, the last fish fished, only then, human being will discover that money can not be eaten, drunk or breathed ………then it will be too late. Here, you can find a video that truly reflects how humans are taking our planet to the end of its days. I hope you like it ;)


Unknown said...

This is nothing new in our lifes. This is always the same story. We have to solve the problem when it's too late to do it. We would have been able to avoid this disaster if we had had it in consideration in advance. Maybe, after this time, I hope we can learn a very valious lection of it. I hope so.

carmen martinez said...

I’m going to write my opinion about picture A.
In my opinion, the message that picture A shows is quite racist. It´s true that the current situation in Spain is not good and our economy and social system have a lots of debt. Despite of that we should also think that immigrants do the dirty work who nobody wants to do. It is because os that our government must help them. Also, if we are humans we should think about how many Spanish people is living and working abroad and how they would feel if in other countries they say the same of the slogan of picture A.

Unknown said...

The Mar Menor has always been the pride of our Region, one of the most important tourist and ecological figure. The last few years the increasing pressure over this little sea has finshed in a shocking situation. Despite the huge effort accomplished by NGOs, University, social groups,... trying to save the lagoon, the damage has been too large to the natural self-cleaning system and it has got collapsed. It`s vital now to revert the situation. We can`t sit back and do nothing.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Mar Menor is so polluted! Nitrate concentrations in seawater is one of the main problems, without a doubt. Excess levels of nitrates in water can create conditions that make it difficult for aquatic insects or fish to survive. No wonder they found thousand of dead fish on the coast. Moreover, some people who is in charge of taking into account these issues don’t care about the environment. They were busy being greedy and perpetuating a fraud… even at the cost of nature. What a shame!

To be honest, to a greater or lesser extent we all contribute with ecosystem damage due to certain deeply routed habits in our society which implies intense agriculture, mineral resources, oil industry… We definitely putting our lifes at risk gradually!

María Cecilia said...

Photo B
During these days we have all heard that the Mar Menor, after the last strong and prolonged rains, presents a problem of water pollution, called eutrophication, which is close to its point of no return. It is a pity that this unique environmental enclave is in this sorry plight.
Environmentalists addressed the problem several years ago, but following economic interests, everyone turn a blind eye to the growing problem that existed at the time.
Now, the Murcian population has to confront the fact that the effects of the water pollution are irreversible.
As with all problems, this will serve as an example in the future to take the environment very seriously and take effective action on time, not only when you are able to see storm clouds ahead.
It is a major and urgent environmental issue and fortunately, as a consequence of the real negative effects that the Mar Menor lagoon is suffering, people are beginning to get to grips with environmental protection.
In my view, this problem could only have been overcome if preventive measures had been taken when the problem was addressed. Now it is too late, and even the measures that have to be adopted imply a very drastic change in the society and economy of the affected area. What's more, we must be very careful not to add fuel to the fire and exacerbate the water pollution problem.

Unknown said...

If we look back in time, fertilizers seem to be the only cause which has turned the Mar Menor ´the largest saltwater lagoon in Europe´, into what some have described as a thick pea soup.

However, this singular area has been subject to a wide range of changes since the early 1960s, particularly La manga. For instance, a surge in tourist activities that takes place in the area, an intense urban development to accommodate the growing seasonal population, and so on.

All this urbanization process has changed the water flow system between the inside and seawater through the channels, affecting to the lagoon’s ecosystem.
Of course, the coastal lagoon is also highly threatened by other pollution variables derived from agricultural lands.

The truth is that in order for us to halt and perhaps reverse the damage caused in the Mar Menor lagoon, government need to invest more money and time to develop successful strategies, remedies implemented and strict legal controls introduced immediately.

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